Watchtower False Prophecies
Jehovah's Witness leaders for over 100 years
have claimed
to be God's only living "prophet" on the face of the earth. However, if
one looks at their record, the documented evidence proves they are what Jesus described as
"false prophets!" Most Jehovah's Witnesses have no clue about the true history
of their organization. Remember what Jesus said: "And many false prophets will
arise, and will mislead many." (Mat. 24:11) |
Check out the documented evidence listed by year:
1929 "Both the grantor and the
grantee are fully persuaded from the Bible testimony which is the word of Jehovah God and
from extraneous evidence that God's Kingdom is now in the course of establishment and that
it will result beneficially for the peoples of earth; that the governing power and
authority will be invisible to men but that the kingdom of God will have visible
representatives on the earth who will have charge of the affairs of the nations under
supervision of the invisible ruler, Christ. That among those who will be thus the faithful
representatives and visible governors of the world will be David, who was once King over
Israel; and Gideon, and Barak, and Samson, and Jepthai, and Joseph, formerly ruler of
Egypt, and Samuel the prophet and other faithful men named with approval in the Bible at
Hebrews 11th. chapter." (Original legal deed to Beth
Sarim, Rutherford, 1929) |
1930 "But how will you identify King David or any
of the other representatives from God?' Rutherford was asked. 'I thought all that out
before I wrote the deed,' the judge replied with a twinkle in his gray eyes. 'I realized
the possibility of some old codger turning up bright and early some morning and declaring
he was David. The men whom I have designated to test the identity of these men are
officers of my societies and have consecrated themselves to the Lord, they will be
divinely authorized to know impostors from the real princes."' (The San Diego
Saturday, March 15, 1930) |
1930 Judge Joseph Frederick
Rutherford 60, lives in a ten room Spanish mansion, No 4440 Braeburn Rd, San Diego, Calif.
Last week he deeded No 4440 Braeburn Road, and adjacent two car garage and a pair of
automobiles to King David, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthae, Samuel and sundry other
mighties of ancient Palestine. Positive is he that they are shortly to reappear on earth,
Said he: 'I have purposely landscaped the place with palm and olive trees so that these
princes of the universe will feel at home.. (Time Magazine, March 31, 1930) |
1930 "The Watchtower, and its companion
publications of the society, for forty years emphasized that fact that 1914 would witness
the establishment of God's kingdom and the complete glorification of the church. During
that period of forty years God's people on earth were carrying on a witness work, which
work was foreshadowed by Elijah and John the Baptist. All of the Lord's people looked
forward to 1914 with joyful expectation. When that time came and passed there was much
disappointment, chagrin and mourning, and the Lord's people were greatly in reproach. They
were ridiculed by the clergy and their allies in particular, and pointed to with scorn,
because they had said so much about 1914, and what would come to pass, and their
prophecies had not been fulfilled. (J. F. Rutherford, Light, Book 1, 1930, p. 194) |
1930 "The great climax is at
hand. The kings of earth now set themselves against his anointed Stone." (J. F.
Rutherford, Light, II, 1930 p. 327) |
1931 "God's faithful people on earth emphasized
the importance of the dates 1914 and 1918 and 1925. They had much to say about these dates
and what would come to pass, but all they predicted did not come to pass." (J. F.
Rutherford, Vindication, vol. 1, 1931, p. 146) |
1931 "God's kingdom has begun
to operate. His day of vengeance is here and Armageddon is at hand and certain to fall
upon Christendom and that within an early date. God's judgment is upon Christendom and
must shortly be executed." (J. F. Rutherford, Vindication, Vol. I, p. 147, 1931) |
1931 "There was a measure of disappointment on
the part of Jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1914, 1918 and 1925,
which disappointment lasted for a time. Later the faithful learned that these dates were
definitely fixed in the Scriptures; and they also learned to quit fixing dates for the
future and predicting what would come to pass on a certain date, but to rely (and they do
rely) upon the Word of God as to the events that must come to pass. (J. F. Rutherford,
Vindication, 1931, p. 338-339) |
1931 A gaunt unshaven tramp has been
the lone claimant for the $75,000 Southern Californian mansion of David, king of Israel,
since it was deeded to the Biblical character a year ago. This was revealed today by Judge
James Rutherford, temporary owner of the luxuriantly furnished Spanish type mansion at 440
Braeburn Rd in the exclusive Kensington Heights district. In one of the oddest deeds ever
recorded, Rutherford, president of the International Bible Students Association and the
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, has placed in trust the magnificent estate for
ancient kings and prophets of Israel. The slayer of Goliath and his companions may
occupy the 10 room modern home with it's landscaped gardens and patio as soon as their
credentials are approved by Rutherford and officials of his societies, divinely authorised
to recognise them. One morning as I was going from the house to the garage, a queer
looking creature approached me, tipped his dirty hat and cried 'Howdy Judge, I'm
David'. 'Go and tell that to the winds', I told him and he left without arguing the
matter. I could see at a glance that he was not David. He didn't look like I knew David
would look.' Asked how he expected David and his distinguished brethren to look,
Rutherford, without hesitation, opened his huge Bible and pointed to a verse which said
that the Princes of the Universe would be risen from the dead 'as perfect men'. 'I
interpret that to mean', the tall dignified Judge declared, 'that David, Gideon, Barak,
Samson, Jepthae, Joseph and Samuel will be sent here to wrench the world from Satan's
grasp, clothed in modern garb as we are, and able, with little effort, to speak our
tongue.' Rutherford pictured the arrival of the biblical delegation perhaps in frock
coats, high hats, canes and spats. At Beth Sarim (House of Princes) as Rutherford has
named his mansion, David will find the most modern appliances that science has devised.
When the distinguished guests walk up the circular stairway to the second floor, they will
find a large office with red leather chairs and shiny flat topped desk with inverted
lighting. Even French telephones await the touch of the princes. Opening a wide door, the
native sons of Palestine will behold a large bathroom, resplendent in shiny black tile
with needle shower and an amply filled medicine chest. What a thrill giant shouldered
Samson, who wrecked a palace with his bare fists might find in the gold safety razor and
strop! Rutherford built the second floor bedroom, which he temporarily occupies, large in
order to accommodate several of the expected owners. With wide pane windows that look out
on the purple Cuyamacas to the East and California's first mission to the north, the
bedroom is almost severe in it's furnishings. The rulers of the universe will have simple
tastes, the judge apparently believes, although the austere end tables sported gaily
covered fiction magazines. Rutherford has imported some Koniach, Wasser from Cologne,
Germany to freshen the princely faces after shaving. A black skull cap hangs over one of
the bedposts. The coming of David and his companions will be the greatest news story of
the ages, Rutherford predicted. 'I am not a publicity seeker,' Rutherford said with a
twinkle in his kindly brown eyes, 'but I feel that the world should know about their
arrival. It will be a great news story.' Word of his 'House of king David' has reached
into every corner of the world, the judge stated. 'Everywhere I went people asked me about
this place,' Rutherford said. 'In Chicago a millionaire manufacturer offered to build
another house for David, but I declined the offer. 'Literally thousands have driven here
to see this place,' Rutherford continued. 'Many have come to the door and my secretary has
shown them about the place.' The patio with it's silver pool and olive and palm trees is
gay with flowers. Down toward the canyon, paths have been landscaped to allow David and
his friends to walk in meditation. Many of the fruits and trees, native to their
Palestine, will greet the rulers when they arrive. In the two car garage next door stands
a new, yellow 16 cylinder coupe which will be turned over to the rulers along with all the
personal property on the place. 'Everything will be theirs, the house, the land, the
furnishings and even the clothes if they need them,' Judge Rutherford said. 'What will I
do? Oh, don't worry about me. I'll manage somehow.' the judge smiled. He had another
'Watch Tower' residence on Staten Island and practically an entire floor at Bethel. The
seven famous men will not have long to rest at their San Deigo estate because they soon
will lead the forces of the Lord to vanquish the minions of Satan at the battle of
Armageddon, Rutherford believed. 'But they will win out. The Lord will punish the devil
and will show that the preachers and the politicians have been giving the people false
counsel,' Rutherford said confidently. Rutherford will sail May 9 for Europe where he will
speak before conventions in Berlin, Paris and London. (San Deigo Sun Newspaper report,
Jan. 9, 1931) |
1935 "...the scriptural evidence and the physical
facts strongly indicate that such witness work is now almost done; and when it is done the
universal war will begin. Universal war is absolutely certain to come and that soon, and
no power can stop it. ...during the few remaining months until the breaking of that
universal cataclysm the powers that rule the nations of the earth will continue to make
treaties and tell the people that by such means they will keep that world peace and bring
about prosperity. (Universal War Near, 1935, p. 3, 26-27) |
1938 "...mark the words of
Jesus, which definitely seem to discourage the bearing of children immediately before or
during Armageddon....It would therefore appear that there is no reasonable or scriptural
injunction to bring children into the world immediately before Armageddon, where we now
are." (Watchtower, Nov. 1, 1938, p. 324) |
1938 "They had preached that in an early time God
would overthrow "Christendom". Many had emphasized the year 1925 as the date,
and then when that date did not materialize the date was moved up to 1932. Again, 1932
came and ''Christendom'' was not destroyed, and now it was discovered that
"Christendom" would be spared for a while longer for the sake of the Jonadab
class, and this made the proud "elective elder" crowd very mad."
(Watchtower Feb. 15, 1938 p. 54) |
1938 "Would it be scripturally
proper for them to marry and begin to rear children? No, is the answer, which is supported
by the scriptures....I will be far better to be unhampered and without burdens, that they
may do the Lords will now, as the Lord commands, and also be without hindrance during
Armageddon. … Those... who now contemplate marriage, it would seem, would do better
if they wait a few years, until the fiery storm of Armageddon is gone." (Face the
Facts, 1938, p. 46, 47, 50) |
1938 As far back as 1880 The Watchtower pointed to
A.D. 1914 as the date marking the end of the world, at which time great trouble would come
upon the nations; but at that time it was not seen by God's people on earth that the
trouble would be the battle of Jehovah against Satan's organization. For many years it was
believed by them, and so stated in The Watchtower, that "the time of trouble"
would be a terrific clash between the various elements of the earth, such as capital and
labor. Not until 1925 was "the time of trouble" Scripturally understood."
(Watchtower, p. 35, Feb. 1, 1938) |
1939 "The abundance of
Scriptural evidence, together with the physical facts that have come to pass showing the
fulfillment of prophecy, conclusively proves that the time for the battle of the great day
of God Almighty is very near and that in that battle all of God's enemies shall be
destroyed and the earth cleared of wickedness." … "Likewise today, all the
nations and peoples of earth are face to face with the greatest emergency. They are being
warned as God commands, that the disaster of Armageddon is just ahead." (J. F.
Rutherford, Salvation, 1939, p. 310, 361) |
1939 At San Deigo, California, there is a small piece
of land, on which, in the year 1929 there was built a house, which is called and known as
Beth Sarim. The Hebrew words Beth Sarim mean 'House of the Princes'; and the purpose of
acquiring that property and building the house was that there are those on earth today who
fully believe in God and Christ Jesus and in His Kingdom, and who believe that the
faithful men of old will soon be resurrected by the Lord, be back on earth, and take
charge of the visible affairs of earth. The title to Beth Sarim is vested in the Watch
Tower Bible and Tract Society in trust, to be used by the president of the Society and his
assistants for the present, and thereafter to be forever at the disposal of the
aforementioned princes on the earth.... It stands there as a testimony to Jehovah's name;
and when the princes do return, and some of them occupy the property, such will be a
confirmation of the faith and hope that induced the building of Beth Sarim. (Salvation,
1939, p. 311) |
1940 "The year 1940 is certain
to be the most important year yet because Armageddon is very near. It behooves all who
love righteousness to put forth every effort to advertise The Theocracy while the
privileges are still open." (Informant, April, 1940, p. 1) |
1940 The Kingdom is here, the King is enthroned.
Armageddon is just ahead. The glorious reign of Christ that shall bring blessings to the
world will immediately follow. Therefore the great climax has been reached. Tribulation
has fallen upon those who stand by the Lord. (The Messenger, Sept. 1940, p. 6) |
1940 The prophecies of Almighty God,
the fulfillment of which now clearly appears from the physical facts, show that the end of
religion has come and with its end the complete downfall of Satan's entire
organization." (Religion, J. F. Rutherford, p. 336, 1940) |
1940 The witness work for The Theocracy appears to be
about done in most of the countries of "Christendom. ... Now the totalitarian rule
has suppressed the Theocratic message, and it should be expected that when they quit
fighting amongst themselves all the totalitarian rulers will turn their attention to the
complete suppression of everything pertaining to the Theocratic Government. What, then,
does it mean that the Theocratic Government is now suppressed in many nations? It means
that the hour is rapidly approaching when the "sign" of Armageddon will be
clearly revealed and all who are on the side of Jehovah will see and appreciate it.."
(Watchtower, Sept. 1, 1940, p. 265. [White, p. 335 quotes from the 1942 Yearbook (p. 29),
completed by Rutherford just before his death: "The record as herewith published
would, on the face of it, show that the Theocratic witness work on earth is about
done."]) |
1941 "Armageddon is surely
near, and during that time the Lord will clean off the earth everything that offends and
is disagreeable. ... From now on we shall have our heart devotion fixed on The Theocracy,
knowing that soon we shall journey forever together in the earth. Our hope is that within
a few years our marriage may be consummated and, by the Lord's grace, we shall have sweet
children that will be an honor to the Lord. We can well defer our marriage until lasting
peace comes to the earth." (J. F. Rutherford, Children, 1941, p.366) |
1941 "Receiving the gift, [Rutherford's book,
Children] the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle
pleasure, but the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining
months before Armageddon." (Watchtower Sept. 15, 1941, p. 288) |
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